The St. Kitts and Nevis Beach Buzz
Your Monthly Fix from St Kitts and Nevis
Issue #
Written by Amicia Mussenden
Founder/Publisher, Discover-StKitts-Nevis-Beaches.com
Editor's Notes:
Amicia Mussenden
Editor, The SKN Beach Buzz
New at Discover-StKitts-Nevis-Beaches.com
The following pages and reviews were recently added to the web site and forum:
In Tune with St. Kitts and Nevis
Where's the Action @?
Featured Photos
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All Photos Copyright © Amicia Mussenden All rights reserved.
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Guest Article
Down time on St. Kitts
Story and Photos by Ben Crosby
Spraining your ankle is high on the list of things to avoid while on vacation. But it happens. When it happened to my wife just before leaving Antigua for St. Kitts, we were fortunate to have a considerate LIAT agent arrange for a wheelchair at both airports. A friendly cab driver helped with the bags and our hotel cheerfully gave us a ground floor room, ice for Ellen's ankle and a cane. From the terrace of our room, leg elevated and iced, we watched the lights of Basseterre wink on.
Any plans we'd had for adventuresome fun were off, but we were not going to let that matter. This was our Caribbean vacation and we intended to enjoy ourselves. With lots of ice packs (provided by the hotel whenever we needed them) and soaking in seawater, Ellen's injury improved. We swam in what we referred to as our private lagoon. Uncomplicated island time pervaded our days. In the morning we watched cruise ships, container carriers and the occasional sail cross the horizon; at twilight, sipped rum punches while romantic sunsets blazed and faded as the lights of Basseterre once more shone softly above the sea.
Sometimes simple things really are the best, although sun-filled days on palmy beaches may be stretching the definition of simple. The unexpected down time was soothing. We were in a tropical paradise; all we had to do was enjoy it. We did.
Eventually Ellen's condition improved to the point where we were able to take an island tour in a van, meet a vervet monkey, marvel at the Black Rocks, be sobered by the grim magnificence of Brimstone Hill and exhilarated at the view overlooking the southern tip: Atlantic waves crashing on one side, tranquil Frigate Bay on the other. An unforgettable dinner capped off our last night and we were forced to console ourselves by remembering: you can't come back if you don't go away.
Inside the Mailbag
Special Deals
Here are the special deals currently on offer:
Fellow Discover St Kitts Nevis Beaches Travel Forum member Vick (SKBHOKIE) of Kays Fine Jewelry at Port Zante has graciously offered to give forum members an additional 10% discount on top of the 50% that he regularly gives. So next time you come to St. Kitts, remember to stop by Kays Fine Jewelry at Port Zante and ask for Vick. While there, be sure to check out these special items:
- Past Present Future 1/4ct Diamond Ring - US$249
- Past Present Future Diamond Pendant 1/4ct - US$249
- 1/4ct Diamond Hoop Earrings - US$199
- 2ct Diamond Bracelet - US$399
That's all for this issue. Thanks to all of you who e-mailed to say how much you are enjoying my newsletter. Your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated. Please remember to
drop me a line if you have any comments or suggestions.
Discover St. Kitts Nevis Beaches, the St. Kitts Nevis Travel forum at discover-stkittsnevis-beaches.com and the St. Kitts and Nevis Beach Buzz are provided free of cost...
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Thank you for your continued support.
Until next time...
Amicia Mussenden
Your Local Guide to St Kitts and Nevis
PO Box 1235
Basseterre, St. Kitts
Tel/Fax: (869)466-9052
Voicemail/Fax: 206-600-1756
Skype Me: discoverskn